Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Caucus Meeting Tonight

Our precinct caucus will be held at Orem High School tonight. Each of you should have a received a flyer on your door, thanks to Robin Devey and her helpers.

Orem High School
175 South 400 East
Orem, UT

The caucus will begin at 7:00 p.m.

Many people wonder why they should even bother to become politically active and how the caucus plays a role in the process.

The caucus is where it all begins. At the caucus is where you elect the precinct chair, vice chair, two state delegates, four county delegates, secretary and treasurer. At the caucus, you should vote for those people who you feel will best represent your interests in your city, county, state and country.

The precinct chair and state delegates will meet and assess every single candidate running on the federal level and attend the state Republican convention on May 8th to whittle the field down to the federal candidate (congressmen, senators, governor, etc.) who will represent you in the November election, assuming a clear candidate emerges. If not, a primary will go forward and you will cast a vote again to choose your November candidates.

The precinct chair, vice chair and county delegates will meet and assess every single candidate on the county and state levels and attend the county Republican convention on April 24th to whittle the field down to the candidates (representative, state senator, etc.) who will represent you in the November election, again assuming a clear candidate emerges. If not, a primary will go forward and you will cast a vote again to choose your November candidates.

The neighborhood caucus, our is Orem 28, is where it all begins. No one is elected into office without beginning at the neighborhood caucus. Those you elect tonight will choose the candidates who will go forward in the general election. Even the president of the United States begins his journey at the neighborhood caucus.

I hope to see you all there tonight.

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